Friday, October 29, 2010

3rd Ward!

     Aspiring artists Jeremy and Jason decided to combat the overwhelmingly high prices of creative resources in NYC by starting a small tool/space sharing system within a group of friends in 2004 and then scaling up to offer this opportunity for other artists as well by renting 2 floors of warehouse space.
     Currently with a membership of 800 creative professionals, there are several photo sets, one large wood/metal workshop, one jewelry workshop, one computer lab, several rooms for dedicated workspace, hallway for drop-in workspace, one coffee area, one refrigerator, lots of lockers, several cool vintage couches, and more woodwork/metal shop space is being created on the 2nd floor. There is also an exhibition space for promoting/showcasing different artists/members with publicity/recognition every month (?), though, that is being renovated into a cafe for the members and for the local community (since the area is an IBZ, industrial business zone, without much commercial diversity). Over 150 classes from beginner to advanced crafts are offered to both nonmembers and members. There are several types of memberships, ranging from having just discounts ($49/month) to unlimited use ($399/month) of all the materials, classes, personal workspaces, lockers, etc. Free lime green bike and coffee for all members!
     3rd Ward is affiliated with many outside organizations like local lumberyards, Etsy, etc. so that is where they get many of their materials and events. Aside from the obvious financial/environmental advantages of sharing workspaces and materials/tools, more abstract benefits include the vast networking possibilities and finding all kinds of creative people to collaborate and hire/do work for within the 3rd Ward community.
     The space changes with the expressed needs/desires of the members. There used to be a recording studio and yoga room, but members wanted more metal/wood workshop space instead so that's what was provided. The next step is to hopefully figure out how to help member artists actually enter the market and sell the works they create from using the tools and materials of 3rd Ward.

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