Thursday, December 2, 2010

interview results!

In speaking with newschool faculty members, I asked the following questions: how are
facilities maintained? What problems are encountered wheb planning for this kind of
resource? How are students dealt with when they do not comply with regulations? What
restrictions are there when considering new equipment? What else can you tell me about
the open lab- perhaps a comparison to other locations where you may have held a similar

John Quinn began by telling me that this was essentially a numbers game- as the situation
has only just changed this year on the midtown campus, he has to pay close attention to
what additional equipment may be needed.
Last year, the AAS program was on the downtown campus, so there were only about 600
students at 560/566 7th ave at any given time. Now there are about 1200 students, and
only one new lab. Considering all new and old equipment, the student to computer ratio
is 1:12.
At this point its just a matter of timing and resources.
Getting those resources is not so easy- an additional color printer was necessary for the
open lab. It took about 1 year's time to get the purchase approved and the printer brought
in. This request was made by the administration, who had taken note of the students'
needs; most use the labs just to print.
This kind of attentive observation would be needed to keep Kitchen Collaborative
operating smoothly. Should we cap the number of members, or set session times to help
rotate the people using the space/tools provided.

I also spoke with Gisella Albequrque. I asked the same questions at this interview, and
was made further aware of policy/administrative issues.

One topic of interest was the distribution of information. 55w13 had made changes in the
paper available on the plotters- the staff noted that students were printing small images
on the plotter, only to cut off all of the excess paper and throw it out. Recognizing that
this was an easily prevented problem, smaller paper sizes were made available. Now,
I mention this because it raises an issue of awareness. I had no idea that this change
had been made as I am hardly ever on the 8th floor of 55w13, or using the plotter this
semester. So, if no one passes by our space, how do we get the word out? Signage can't
be used for everything, but perhaps word of mouth would be more effective to pass the
information along in the community.

The other main issue of discussion was concerning fairness: within the administrative
team, there will need to be a system of checks and balances. No one person can make a
decision with discussion and consideration for other needs.

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